I know that every now and then the odd Yealf wanders by, attracted by the excitement and bright lights of the far more numerous Yelfs. The posting below from Wendy Griffin may be of especial interest to them as well as confirming (not that much was required) that the two names spring from the same well. The references to Martin and Damerham are interesting as these two villages in the New Forest seem to have been the home to the vast majority of Ye(a)lfs before they seemed to emigrate to the Isle of Wight. I am also pretty sure that Luke Ye(a)lf appears on the International Geneological Index (IGI) and I have an old (15 years ago?) photo of his grave stone with the note
'Gravestone of Luke Yelf, Damerham Church. Inscription unclear' - although it must be said that there were probably a couple of Luke Ye(a)lfs about at the time...
Anyway, this is what Wendy had to say
Hi Clive, I enjoy your blog about the Yelfs. My connection is way back when Anne Yelf married William Flemington 8 4 1769 at Martin in Wiltshire. She was born 26.12.1745 at Damerham the daughter of John Yealf and Mary Randal. John was the son of Luke Yealf and Mary Randal. I wonder if you know of this family? l have a bit on the Flemingtons who married into the King family in Bedhampton etc.
My family have been in N.Z since 1841 [mothers side] and 1863 dads side.
Keep up the good work, it brings 'family' closer especially when we live on the other side of the world. Cheers Wendy Giffin.
MSN NZ Travel
Find a way to cure that travel bug
1 comment:
Hello to Wendy in NZ! I descend from the same pair of Yelfs, and have worked intermittently on that line for many years. I'd *love* to compare notes!
Please contact me through my blog at:
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